Friday, April 16, 2010

Getting central certificate management working on modern Linux

Modern Linux (GNOME, anyway) systems actually have a central certificate store. It's a bit lacking in management UI so far, but it works, and you can use it instead of loading your PKCS#12 certificates into every app you use manually.

First, import your certificate into the GNOME keyring with:
gnome-keyring import /path/to/certificate.p12

Install the libnss3-tools package (containing modutil).

Now exit every application you can, particularly your browser and mail client. Kill evolution-data-server too.

Find all instances of the nss security module database on your homedir, and for each one (a) test to make sure it's not open and (b) install the gnome-keyring PKCS#11 provider in it. The following shell script snippet will do this for you. Just copy and paste it onto your command line:

for f in $(find . -maxdepth 5  -name secmod.db -type f  2>/dev/null ); do
  echo "Testing: `basename $f`"
  if fuser `dirname $f`/cert8.db >&/dev/null; then
    echo -n "In use by: "; fuser `dirname $f`/cert8.db; echo " - Skipping"
    modutil -force -dbdir `dirname $f` -add GnomeKeyring \
            -libfile /usr/lib/gnome-keyring/

Now all your NSS-based apps should know about gnome-keyring and use the gnome-keyring certificate store.

If you use Evolution and want client certificate support, patch evolution-data-server as per GNOME bug 270893 to enable that too. It'll use gnome-keyring automatically.

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